“Wild Words” is a fun musical series on Noggin that teaches young kids new and interesting words. I had the opportunity to lead a team of talented animators on 5 episodes, "Fancy", "Leader", "Ridiculous", "Vehicle", and "Yet". My other responsibilities included storyboarding, compositing, and After Effects animation.

Check out a few example episodes, but be warned, these songs may be stuck in your head for a very long time. The full series can be found on the Noggin app.


Creative Director: Ross Norton
Art Director: Sarah Rebar
CG Director: Peter Kiger
Animation Director: Luis Mendez, Nicole Morciniec
Storyboards: Luis Mendez, Nicole Morciniec, Ariel Paxton, Katelyn Rogers
Animation: Jhorinson Dominguez, Darya Proshinakova, Rachel Nam, Spencer Sine, Sarita Lam, Mateo Ruiz, Stephen Rodriguez, Matt Cerini, Nicole Morciniec
Modeling: Daunish Irani, Francesca Sciarra,
Rigging: Richardo Terra
Lighting / Rendering: Daunish Irani, Edgar Vega, Gabby Garcia
Producer: Serenity Garcia, Mary Thurman